Monday, 7 March 2011

Battlefield Play4Free

So after reading the contents of one of my many neglected email addresses, I found an invitation to Battlefield Free2Play.

It's basically Battlefield 2, but ran on the same engine and platform as the free to play 'Battlefield Heroes', the graphics and mechanics are smoother and better than ye olde BF2, but nowhere near that of the latest BF games but hey - you can't really complain when it's free.

The gameplay really does bring back nostalgia of BF2, it's really simplified though; there's no commander mode, no prone and no squads. I guess the best way to sum it up is to say that it's a cross between BF2, BF Heroes and Bad Company 2. It's got it's quirks and bugs, but that's all you can expect from a closed beta. I'll definitely be keeping my eye on this game, it could prove to be a lot of fun on release, competing with or probably even surpassing other free to play fps games such as Combat Arms.

Have you played it? Got some experiences to share? Write a comment.